ant hill of shame

Dave and I battled it out Saturday on our local mini golf course. Dave proved to be quite the big spender spending a whopping 2$ per person on the round. Needless to say, he got his money worth averaging a little over 4 cents a shot.

A quick review of the scorecard:
I was feeling very well after the wishing well...perhaps too well because that ant hill came out of nowhere. Luckily I was able to make a gradual comeback through the log cabin and then put the hurtin on at the Castle. Dave's wheels finally came off on the final hole as the wagon was too much of a challenge for his putter.

something new

Prior to getting a dog, you probably would have found Dave and I on Saturday morning either enjoying a large glutenous brunch or still in bed. With the introduction of Cash (the pointer not the paper) to our lives, we've come to enjoy Saturday mornings in a new light... quite literally. This Saturday found us walking along the nearby Arroyo Seco, enjoying the sun, vegetation and a inquisitive puppy.

a battle of epic proportions

This week at the prompt of Cash's breeder we signed him up for his first official dog show. WHOA. Dave and I of course believe Cash to be of outstanding genes and unbelievable stature and most importantly an obvious choice for best in show. It was therefore news to us that Cash would be the underdog (no pun intended). The breeder informed us that yes there was in fact an import competing in this dog show. A Brazilian to be exact...and that Cash's butt would need to develop to compete. That's correct his BUTT, because everyone knows that a South American tousch is definitely all that.

Waiting for Nike to call...

Cash loves chasing David around the backyard and with his new bionic leg he's been getting some serious air. I'm thinking the next athletic shoe is not far off.