A whole new world
Dave and I had the absolute pleasure of traveling over the weekend to Fresno to catch my cousin John's acting (and dancing and singing) skills in his Junior High play, Aladdin.Here's the gang anxiously awaiting the house lights to go down. Notice Dave is keeping a watchful eye on my very sneaky cousin Zak while my grandma and uncle are in complete awe of my camera taking abilities.
This one was taken during the big finale. I believe John is hiding behind the Genie (the gal in blue). Also take note of the magic carpet. Even with out any lines, she managed to steal the show.
And here is my cousin John (dead center) posing for the camera. He is in his 3rd of three different costume changes. Good thing Fresno doesn't require parents to make the costumes or John may have been in trouble.
All in all, the show was a major success and John put on a great performance for the family. After the show, Dave and I both agreed that although it may not be a whole new world, Junior High certainly had a different look to it from where were sitting.
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