Since starting seeds over a month ago the garden has seen big progress.

Then we waited,
and waited.
and then finally!
Also appearing this week are carrots, red & white onions, leeks, melon, eggplant, peppers, and okra.

Since starting seeds over a month ago the garden has seen big progress.
by melanie on 4/20/2009 1 comments
^ two things that we baked yesterday.
The pickles were not your average Claussen cucumber pickles, they were grapes! and they were delish. You may find the recipe here.
The ice cream we have been doing for weeks but Dave was requesting a whiter vanilla than usually, which meant I needed to call my mom. After a few tweaks to the recipe, less yolk more milk, we were set and Dave was extremely happy.
by melanie on 4/20/2009 0 comments
We really really loved this city, and we also loved that we got to see it with our friends George and Molly. Why did we find it so attractive? was a combination of the architecture, the tightness of the old city and the food! Dave gets to go back this summer to teach for 3 weeks and I could not be more jealous.
by melanie on 4/16/2009 0 comments
Remember when we went to London and Barcelona for three weeks? Yeah me neither, but that's why we took photos! Oh you haven't seen them? Well now you can. I finally got around to picking through all the photos we took on the trip and posted them to flickr. Well not exactly all of them (just London pre and post Barcelona) but no worries, Barcelona is scheduled for tomorrow night. I know. You are on the edge of your seats, especially after seeing these goodies. Click over on the flickr link for the others.
by melanie on 4/14/2009 0 comments