For my birthday, Dave got me a great book entitled The Urban Homestead. It's a helpful guide on how to make the most of your environment in an urban setting. I highly recommend giving it a read if you are at all inclined to grow, bake, or make something with your surroundings. We have since my birthday and the book steadily increased the amount of baking and cooking we do, such as giving up store bought breads and eating out during the week. We've also started to try our hand and growing more food. For the most part we've been successful, surprising I agree. Currently around the house and yard we have lettuces, basil, parsley, chives, thyme, mint, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, artichokes and rhubarb! We've even managed to keep the blueberry bush alive and happy in southern California and should have some fresh blueberry pancakes to share in the next few weeks.
With that limited success, we've taken the plunge and purchased seeds with the ambition of gorging ourselves on fresh vegetables this summer. I did some research on the seeds and bought them from Seed Savers (in Iowa!). I will warn you that if you go to the site you might find yourself more than a little hungry after reading a few of the descriptions.

This picture gives you a sneak peak of the spread we hope to have growing come summer.

..and here I am planting a few of the little guys who can't go outside just yet. More to come!