Some of you out there may be wondering why every time you open this site lately its just another pitch from me to vote for us again on Apartment Therapy. Well beyond the obvious (prize money), there is a larger motive at work here. Allow me to explain.
You may or may not know that this summer Dave took the gigantic leap into the world of self employment. It was not a decision made quickly or easily especially given the current affairs of things around here BUT we/he felt it was an important step to make at this stage in our lives. We both love what we do immensely and despite the scariness of going out alone, it was also very exciting. So here I come to the point. Apartment Therapy is a fairly well known website and the winner will get a published house tour with a bit of background. That amount of free press given its a design site and we're architects was something too good to pass up! So yes, we need your vote, again!
.....oh and just in case you're wondering about the future voting schedule, I've listed it below.
Today (wed.) Elite 8
Thursday Final Four
Friday - Monday Final Two