i had a dad in nevada
Ok. Not really....but apparently Nevadan's are particular about the pronunciation of their state name. It's Ne-va-da. Not Ne-vay-da, nor Ne-vaah-da. I had a dad in Nevada. How do I know this you ask? Well let me tell you. I spent all day Saturday registering and canvassing voters in the great state of Nevada for the Obama Campaign, Drive for Change. Nevada is a battleground state in the '08 election having gone Republican in the past two elections by a mere 25,000 votes. Living in California they consider it our sister state so any volunteers that are willing are moved to Nevada to help the campaign there. Now this isn't a blog to get you to vote one way or another but merely to motivate you to get involved. I had an AMAZING time and met some great people (Republican and Democrat). I truly believe, especially after Saturday there is no easier way to be an American than to get out the vote!
See ya in November!
by melanie on 9/14/2008 0 comments
Everyone loves Cash

No, it's not quite diamonds on the soles of your shoes....its the next best thing. Cash! You too can own your very own pair of Cash memorabilia (he is a rockstar after all)....Just click here.
p.s. I love the internet.
by melanie on 9/11/2008 0 comments