we're soooo tired

Having a puppy is one thing.
BUT having a puppy that isn't supposed to walk, run, jump or play will sap all the energy out of even the youngest of adults...

Like half my name and America

The new BCAM (Broad Contemporary Art Museum) opened in Los Angeles recently. Funded by Eli Broad who made his fortune in KB Homes, the museum is an addition to LACMA (Los Angeles County Art Museum) and houses his large collection, in size and quantity. I was more than a little excited to find out that the museum would be open to the public FOR FREE last week. It's not often you that you find events for free any more and this one did not disappoint with works from Warhol, Koons, Sera, and Hirst among others and most of those I'd never seen before.

remember when

Yesterday I was excited to find a package in the mail containing the 5 year journal I ordered last week from the Shopsin's General Store. It's the perfect sized little book with one page for each day and each page broken down into 5 years. Today, Feb. 15th 2008, I marked the first entry, wondering what Feb. 15th 2009 will hold and recalling Feb. 15th, 2001 and the proposal Dave made.

spread the love

Have you hugged your architect today?

Thanks to Eric S. for the link.

Did you?

what do all those letters after my name mean you ask?

Over the weekend I added a few letters after my name...6 to be exact. You may now refer to me as:

Melanie Freeland, LEED ap.

(In case you were wondering, I'll also answer to Toad, Melnel, or The Favorite Child)

LEED, for all you none industry folk, stands for Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design and is a green building rating system for design and construction which encourages the use of sustainable products and systems (yes, I copied that from the website). The "ap" simply indicates that I am an "Accredited Professional" who has a thorough understanding of green building practices and principles, ie. I passed the test. Wohoo!