Beam me up..

Just when I think I have a handle on all that Southern California has to offer, something new appears on the horizon, quite literally. Sunday found Dave and I venturing down the 14 Highway to checkout Vasquez Rocks Park. The park was vaguely familiar to us even though we hadn't ever stepped foot inside. It's been the backdrop of several Star Trek episodes among other films. Even without it's Hollywood claim to fame, the park is worth a visit. A mere 30 minute drive from downtown LA, it has a handful a fantastic hikes filled with amazing views. You can check out some of our favorite's here.

Let's make a deal

Although I wish this post was about an excellent game show where people dress up in lunatic outfits and store everything from toothpaste to twinkies in their 'daily' purses.

It's not.

What it is about is the dealing making going down at your neighborhood gym. You laugh. But have you joined a gym lately? Why is joining a gym like buying a car. Why should the cute girl with a button nose pay less than a geeky guy packin a tire or two?

When I received a free month's pass to Gold's Gym from my neighbor. I was thrilled. 1 whole month free for me to do as I please, check out the pool, make sure all the ellipticals are in working order, maybe even take in a class. Little did I know I was walking into a negotiator's paradise. They gave me the tour and just as I was expecting to be released for my premiere workout, they sat me down to give me the hard sale. My little brother would have been proud.... of the salesman. I, on the other hand, am the proud owner of a year long gym memborship. The 1st month is of course....paid in full.

Meet the 101

Visit Los Angeles for more than a few hours and you will notice many peculiar things, women with stretched faces, boys with bags more expensive than your car, kids ages 6 and under with cell phones. The list goes on and on, and somewhere between the punk rocker and raw food restaurant is THE freeway. Or should I say THE freeways. Only in Los Angeles could freeways take on the properties of an animate noun. Like a world leader, it deserves an 'article' of respect.

What should I do today?
Write the President or drive The 101?

3's a crowd

Dave and I had the duty to play host to my brother over the weekend. As many of you perhaps know, my brother tends to load a situation and Dave and I had prepared the whole week for 'his coming'. We picked him up at the airport around 7pm and I was pleased to see, he was still the pansy I new and loved carrying 2 backpacks, 1 duffel, a hanging bag, and his golf clubs. It was a good thing we brought the family car to pick up the family.

We headed for our old favorite sushi joint in Venice Beach, Canal Club. Along the way, for reasons I'm still trying to process, we made a brief drive by of the Whaler, a restaurant teetering on the edge of the sand with the sounds of Bad Medicine wafting through the doors. The sushi was fantastic and we made quite a ruckus bantering back and forth about the past week.

After sufficiently stuffing ourselves with raw fish, we decided to head downtown.
The Standard proved to be a bit crowded and neither my name dropping or my Smith charm could get us pass the doorman. Resigned to not cough up the cover charge we headed to our last stop of the night, Edendale.

Edendale is an old fire house station that has been converted into a bar and grill. It's an easy stop for Dave and I on our way home to catch a quick bite and meet up with friends. This night was no different with several of our friends already set up on the back patio. Brett of course didn't waste anytime getting possible sales clients and it wasn't long before I felt like he meshed into the LA scenery better than Dave or I. All in all it was a great visit, proving that 3 isn't necessarily a crowd, unless of course, you are stuffed into a photobooth.

big rig

I snapped this photo at the jobsite yesterday. It seems I don't have to go far to be reminded of home. I wonder if this one has ever been driven by a 13 year old whose legs didn't yet reach the pedals.

someone please dig me out from under this pile of meeting notes

Monday! we submitted a drawing set to the BHDBS (the acronym is way cooler than the actual name of the place) and I was anxiously awaiting my return to a typical 9-5in' tootsie type of living. I had what was to be a week free of tension with just a couple meetings streaming from day to day to catch everyone up on the latest and greatest set of drawings. Now in day 4 and sufficiently buried under a pile of paper work, I can easily say I am anxiously awaiting a return to my previous working lifestyle; drawings, design, and coordination... not necessarily in that order.

my digital camera rocks your digital camera's world

Not only does it take fantastic pictures....

but can your camera do this!

christmas in january

Dave and I had some left over cash from our christmas gifts and we had the itch for a new toy. The Canon S80 digital camera arrived today and WOW! It is worth every penny. The 28-100mm lens leaves little to be desired and the large screen and 8mb just puts it over the top. Below is the first picture I took, please no comments about the dirty desk.


Rainbow Apartments continues to grow.

enjoy the silence

A big thank you to the Longhorns of Texas and Vince Young!!

After months and months of nothing but Trojans, Palmer, and Bush on the news, Southern Californians finally have some peace... and quiet.

sidebar please

I would like to take this opportunity to state the obvious.

Google is amazing.

Not only is Google seamlessly integrating with my new (much adored) Palm Treo 650... BUT just when I was getting curious about what new items might be available in 2006, I hear about Sidebar.

This product is fantastic! Photos, maps, news, movies, weather... you name it. It is all one easy click away.