
Over the weekend, I had the great fortune to help out with the Hammer Museum's Prefab Now Conference. Several activities were planned throughout the weekend, including selected home tours throughout Los Angeles County. The Eames house (shown above) was definitely a highlight along with a tour of Ray Kappe's profile structures being produced for Living Homes. Although prefab has quite a distance to go before it becomes affordable for the general public, getting key architects involved such as Kappe is definitely a step in the right direction to provide quality designs to the average home owner.

Me and my shadow

Big Sur Day 2... After awaking in our Yurt at Treebones Resort (we were in Yurt 1) and crawling out from under 3 layers of duvet covers, we moved further up the coast. The Fog stayed with us but the Sun also made a brief appearance

time flies when you're....

Well...... since the last post quite a lot has happened. Yes, I learned to swim as well as a breadth of other important items. I am best when listing.. see below.

1. I will admit the swim was more of a dog paddle but I did keep my head above water most of the time so I'll count it as successfully completed.
2. On our trip to Big Sur I learned how to be a calm passenger. The drive up was a scene straight from Pee Wee's Big Adventure. Although we didn't run into 'Big Marge', we did come across a few animals (dead & alive), a thick fog, a narrow cliff hugging road, and a high serf.

3. I learned to stack rocks. Although my stack wasn't as high or big as my counterparts. It was successfully structured (which my counterparts wasn't-don't tell his engineer Dad).

4. And finally....on Wednesday, I learned to lie about my age when necessary.

learning to swim

Recent conversation:

Me: What did he say?... Did he think I could handle it?
Them: He said.... "Do you think she can handle it?" I said.. Yes, you want her to take on more responsibility and this is the time. Then he said "It's one thing to take on more responsibility and another to throw her in the deep end."
Me: Swell.

something old, something new, something indian, something....

With the warm days of summer finally coming to a close in LA, we have been making much use of the middle garden. Not only is it bearing fruit by the bucket loads (guavas and figs as of late), we have found ample time to enjoy the little 'eden' just beyond our porch.

Last weekend friends were in town to celebrate a new engagement and this Saturday we are celebrating a few birthdays. It is certain that we will miss this Indian Summer when it finally ends.

That's Professor Freeland to you.

Yep, David had an interview at Woodbury University today and they offered him a job teaching 2nd. year undergrad students in the spring semester.

Ohhh, the young minds that will be altered at the hands of Prof. Freeland.

baby its cold inside

One hot chocolate, 2 hoodies, 7 goals, and a win to keep me warm.

what's for dinner?

While searching the news headlines for some good water cooler conversation pieces. I came across a disturbing link "Gator-guzzling python comes to messy end". Yes...It is what you think, and yes... it is true. Lesson learned?

Don't eat meat?? Especially angry meat that is 6' long with claws!

for your listening pleasure

I have added a new link to the 'blogs I read'.


Check it out... a music blog about bands, shows, and cds.

monday.. bloody monday

I am 3 days out of a deadline which means in architect terms I am in the midst of a redlining nightmare. For those of you not familiar with the redlining process a brief description follows.

Directly before you issue drawings for permit, pricing, or some other less important reason, you redline. This means you print the entire set of drawings, grab a red pencil, and go through it sheet by sheet calling out any errors with the red pencil. Why not blue, why not green you ask? I have know idea. All I know is that when you are done, you hope that the drawings aren't bleeding profusely.